Reception to Y6

  • Dark grey school trousers, skirt, pinafore or shorts 

  • White POLO shirt - with logo where possible

  • Navy blue crew neck sweatshirt -  Please note that these must  have the SCHOOL LOGO on

  • ALL BLACK school shoes/trainers (leather / leather-look ankle boots may be worn in WINTER), shoes should be flat and have backs in for Health and Safety reasons 

  • Summer term: Blue gingham check DRESS - optional. No playsuits

  • PE KIT— shorts,  t-shirts and pumps are currently provided by school

  • A  tracksuit option is now  available  but not compulsory:

    • Navy blue sweatshirt material hoody / zip up jacket

    • Navy blue jogging bottoms

    • Navy blue round neck t-shirt with school logo - available from uniform stockists

    • ALL BLACK or ALL WHITE trainers


We would ask that SOCKS and TIGHTS are plain and dark in colour, (grey and black).


Please could all items of uniform and all coats be clearly named as it is far easier to reunite items with the owner if this is done. Whilst we will always try our best to find lost property it is not always possible and school cannot accept responsibility for lost items, Children are given clear instructions on where to put jumpers and coat when they take them off.

We will be doing a found property walk for the children at the end of term, any unclaimed items will then be on display in the cafe after school for parents/carers to have a look.


As we move into a new academic year, please be reminded of the following school rules and information:



MORNING - Our school day starts at 8.55am, with the gates opening at 8.45pm and closing at 8.55pm.

If you child arrives after 9am their name and a reason for lateness will be logged.

Regular late arrivals will be monitored and reported to the Pupil Welfare service.


EVENING - The school day finishes at 3.15pm, children should be collected promptly from their class teachers. gate close at 3:25pm

If a child is continually collected late, Westminster Primary Academy reserves the right to charge £1 for each 5 minutes the child is collected late after 3:30pm.


If children are not collected by 3.40pm, Pupil Welfare Services will be called for their support.

Please inform the school office if you are aware of any changes to your collection arrangements for your child by 2pm if possible.



Parents are asked to sign up to Class Dojo (and download the app if possible). This is the main form of communication from school. Whole school, class and individual message may be sent from school. Parents are able to message staff on here but are asked to be respectful in their messages and appreciate that staff may not respond before 8:30am and after 4:30pm.

School also makes use of a texting service and has its own Facebook page where we share the weekly calendar, events and other information. If you do not already follow us the please like our page Westminster Primary Academy, Blackpool



As always we have high expectations of behaviour in school and  our current behaviour policy will continue.

We will also continue with our ZERO TOLERANCE approach to racism and bullying and any form of anti-social behaviour including verbal or physical abuse towards staff.



Long hair must be tied back for school to help prevent the spread of head lice. If your child’s hair is not tied up they will be asked to tie it up with assistance if needed.

All hair accessories must be in school uniform colours (blue, white or yellow) and of a reasonable size - ie not large JoJo bows.

Hair should be of a natural hair colour ie. not dyed in any colour that hair would not naturally grow, with no extreme hairstyles, including side shaven patterns.



Children are allowed to wear ONE pair of  STUD earrings for school.  These must be removed for all PE lessons.  

If your child has just had their ears pierced then they may cover them with plasters brought from home for the first 6 weeks.  Your child will not be allowed to access school swimming lessons at all with earrings in - this is a Blackpool Schools Swimming Services policy.

A watch is the only other item of jewellery permitted. No SMART watches.



Nails should be kept short for health and safety reasons. False nails, nail varnish and make up are not permitted in school. 


MONEY - Trips

Unfortunately due to budget cuts we are now asking for donations for any trips and visits. We have been extremely lucky over the past few years that we have been able to fund these. If we do not raise enough money in donations for a trip then we will unfortunately have to cancel it.


MONEY - Damage

Should your child cause non accidental damage to school property you will receive a bill to cover costs of repair or replacement.

We understand that such instances could cause a financial burden and ask that you contact school to make alternative arrangements should it be necessary.



Whilst we do not encourage mobile phones being brought into school we understand that children who walk home alone may need to bring them.

These must be signed in with a member of the year group staff on arrival at school and collected at the end of the school day.



As a school we encourage healthy eating and would like to see balanced lunch boxes - this should contain a sandwich and may also have a packet crisps, a biscuit (chocolate ones are permitted)  and possibly some fruit or a yoghurt. Drinks should be non fizzy.

Energy drinks, chocolate bars and sweets are not permitted.



All parents now need to sign up to My Child At School Account (MCAS)  to pay for school meals. The child are given a choice of meals and order as they arrive at school.



We ask that children do not bring toys to school at all unless specifically asked by their class teacher.






www.activelearnprimary.co.uk school code skmr


The above are sites we subscribe to as a school, the children have their own usernames and passwords.

If your child can’t remember theirs please ask the class teacher.