Meet the team

3P Class teacher - Mrs Leathley                      Support - Mrs Pilmore

3W Class teacher - Mrs Wells                            Support - Mrs Fox 


Year 3 is a transitioning year group where children move from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2.  The children are supported with this transition and adapt quickly to the change. The children now have longer mornings.

In Year 3, we use positive encouragement to gain great outcomes for children.  When children are successful and make good decisions, this is recorded on the class Dojo chart. Children also regularly receive stickers and class prize activities such as baking cakes, trips and movie afternoons.



Children are expected to complete a homework project every half term based on a topic. Times tables and spellings are also given weekly and daily reading is encouraged, with an expectation of three times a week.  Homework will be posted on the Dojo site.




Outdoor Learning


This year in Year 3, there will be a focus on Outdoor Learning, which helps to develop reflective and inquisitive thinking, problem-solving approaches, resilience, confidence, communication skills, physical and mental health, as well as a respect for nature. 



Please ensure that your child can remove their earrings or does not wear them on PE days. Your child may wish to come to school in their kit on PE days - please see the uniform list for further information.




This year we are following a writing scheme by Jane Considine. Children are encouraged to use joined and legible handwriting in all subjects, as well as good spelling. All children have access to resources such as phonics mats, sentence stems and a booklet to explain ideas, tools and techniques to help them improve their writing. Children practise their writing skills in all areas of the curriculum and are encouraged to read a variety of texts to broaden their knowledge and understanding and extend their vocabulary.  

Texts are chosen carefully to engage the children and encourage them to be more creative writers. 



Children practise their Arithmetic daily, through a creative curriculum. Every child has a Times Tables Rockstar account which they can access both at home and in school in order to gain confidence and momentum in their tables. Children are expected to know the 2, 5 and 10 times tables from Year 2, and to learn the 3, 4 and 8 times tables during their time in Year 3. In daily Maths lessons, the children become more secure in the basic operations and begin to use more formal methods.  Year 3 also learn Maths skills through other subjects including Computing, DT, Art and Science.




Curriculum Maps:

Autumn term curriculum map

Spring term curriculum map

Summer term curriculum map

Please see  English and  Maths pages for the relevant curriculum coverage.