Lead : Mr Gareth Whittam

British Values are the set of 4 fundamental values introduced to keep children safe and promote their welfare - Democracy, Rule of law, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect and Tolerance for those with different faiths. These are implicitly embedded in all aspects of school life but in particular in the aspects shown below:



School Council  were voted in in October this year by a democratic vote in a 'real-life' polling station set up with polling booths and ballot boxes loaned by Blackpool Council with our Ward Councillor  and Leader of Blackpool Council, Lyn Williams, present. Their focus this year is to be the voice of climate change in our school community. They will also work closely with Cllr Williams to improve recycling in school and within the local community.

The Curriculum Council is made up of pupils from Y3 to 6 who champions all subject areas. They work with Subject Leads and are the voice of their year group in their area. They are involved in reviewing the curriculum and environment for their subject and showcasing good work to Subject Leads.

Anti-bullying Ambassadors provide pupils with a peer to talk to if they have any friendship worries. They are supported by our Learning Mentor  and Senior Leadership Team.